Tuesday, August 3, 2010

ELN Mixer June 8, 2010

Gentle Reader, 
On June 8, 2010 The San Francisco Early Literacy Network hosted our first mixer in order to showcase our partnerships and build new relationships. We met at the beautifully renovated Potrero Branch Library and were fortunate to have Luis Herrera, San Francisco City Librarian; Margaret Brodkin, Director of New Day for Learning Initiative; Mardi Lucich, DCYF Citywide Child Care Administrator; and Lisa Lee, First 5 Training and Technical Assistance Director as honored guest speakers. We also benefited from the participation of many friends and colleagues who provide service to San Francisco Bay Area families. Below are photos of this meaningful and inspiring event. No photos of Brian, though - he took all of the shots.
All the best,
Christy Estrovitz and Brian Castagne
(San Francisco Public Library)

Our Mission Statement above some tasty treats
Betsy Keever and Luis Herrera
Luis Herrera and Margaret Brodkin
Marco Berger, Kristal Brister, and Jude Deckenbach
Tanner and a scrumptious cookie
Saeed Mirfattah, Betsy Keever, and Nancy Yamamoto
Mardi Lucich and Molly Wertz
Lisa Lee and Zoobi Waqar
Hosts Christy Estrovitz and Betsy Keever with Molly Wertz, Mardi Lucich, Saeed Mirfattah, and Kristal Brister
ELN members and guests including Kathy Katz, Dana Goldberg, Katrin Reimuller. Lynne Maes, Michael Andolina, Nancy Yamamoto, Margaret Brodkin, and JoAnne Hubbard
Cindy Lopez Chastain, Marco Berger, Luis Herrera, Katrin Reimuller, and Lynne Maes
Lisa Lee addresses the group
Michael Andolina and Nancy Yamamoto
Melissa Castillo and Cindy Lopez Chastain
Mardi Lucich and Chris Padula
 Janell Bolte, Tera, and a nourishing book
(All photos by Brian Castagne)